Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering Project latest Topic 2021 Download Free

Get Computer project ideas for engineering students. These are potential topics to be used as final year project topics in Computer engineering. Find a list of Computer engineering project topics to be implemented. This list contains major as well as mini projects for free. Computer major projects for students to use in their final semesters. 

Latest topics for degree and diploma in Computer engineering students. SmartXBrains has the widest variety of Computer engineering project ideas which are updated every week. Get new and innovative Computer engineering project ideas that have been researched and put up here for students to choose as their final year project topics. Browse through our variety of mini and major projects for Computer engineering:

Project NameAction
Library System by using HTML, CSS, and Java
IOT base vehical emmision monitoring system
IOT enable Air pollution monitoringand awareness creation system
Industrial saftey parameter monitoring in IOT environment
Hotel System by using HTML CSS & JAVA
Hospital System
School System by using HTML, CSS, and Java
Gym System by using HTML ,CSS and Java
College System by using HTML,CSS and Java
Clinic System by using HTML ,CSS and Java
Travel System by using HTML, CSS, and Java
Wedding Planner System by using HTML and CSS
Train Information System by using PHP and MySQL
Student Information System by using PHP and MYSQL
School Information System by using PHP and MYSQL
Restaurant Information System by using PHP and MYSQL
Placement Cell Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Payroll Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Patient Information System by using PHP and MYSQL
Shoe Shopping System by using PHP and MySQL
Mobile Service Enquiry System by using PHP and MYSQL
Library Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Hotel Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Hospital Management system by using PHP and MYSQL
Health Center Management system by using PHP and MYSQL
Doctor Information System by using PHP and MySQL[easy_media_download url="" color="orange" text="Downlo
Cyber Cafe Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Consignment Tracking System by using PHP and MYSQL
College Management System by using PHP and MYSQL
Vegetable Shop Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Super Market Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Shoe Shop Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Retail Store Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Restaurant Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Project Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Payroll Management System by using Django, Python and MySQL
Order Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Mobile Shop Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Medical Shop Management System by using Python Django and MYSQL
Jewellery Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Human Resource Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Hall Booking System by using Python Django and MySQL
Grocery Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Garment Shop Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Food Court Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Super Market Billing System using Java and mysql
Student Management System using Java, JSP and MySQL
Shoe Shop Management System using Java JSP and MySQL
Pharmacy Shop Management System using Java and mysql
Coffee Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Canteen Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Order Management System using Java and mysql
Mobile Shop Management System using Java JSP and MySQL
Book Shop Management System, using Java JSP and MySLQ
Boutique Store Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Book Shop Management System by using Python Django and MySQL
Blogging System by using Python Django and MySQL
Bakery Shop Management System by using Python Django MySQL
Airlines Reservation System using Python Django and MySQL
Development Of Wsn Based Water Level Monitoring And Control System Using Android
Development And Controlling Of 5 In 1 Multipurpose Agricultural Robot Using Smart Phones
Point-Of-Interest Recommendation For Location Promotion In Location-Based Social Networks
Android Based Device Control.
Green House Monitoring And Control Using Smart Phone
Android Meets Led Bulbs In Smart-Home Automation
Stamp: Enabling Privacy-Preserving Location Proofs For Mobile Users
Mobile Attendance Using Near Field Communication And One-Time Password
Sbvlc: Secure Barcode-Based Visible Light Communication For Smartphones
Privacy And Secure Medical Data Transmission And Analysis For Wireless Sensing Healthcare System
Zapdroid: Managing Infrequently Used Applications On Smartphones
P-Lint: A Permission Smell Detector For Android Applications
My Privacy My Decision: Control Of Photo Sharing On Online Social Network
Efficient Multi-Factor Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme For Mobile Communications
A User-Oriented Behavior-Based Malware Variants Detection System For Android
Privacy-Preserving Location-Proximity For Mobile Apps
A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme For Mobile Cloud Computing
Efficient And Privacy-Preserving Min And K-Th Min Computations In Mobile Sensing Systems
Knowledge-Enhanced Mobile Video Broadcasting (Kmv-Cast) Framework With Cloud Support
Cooperative Query Answer Authentication Scheme Over Anonymous Sensing Data
Cyberbullying Detection Based On Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising Auto-Encoder
Predict The Diagnosis Of Heart Disease Patients Using Classification Mining Techniques
Connecting Social Media To E-Commerce: Cold-Start Product Recommendation Using Microblogging Information
Automatically Mining Facets For Queries From Their Search Results
A Novel Recommendation Model Regularized With User Trust And Item Ratings
Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications
A Sequential Personalized Spatial Item Recommender System
Truth Discovery In Crowdsourced Detection Of Spatial Events
Inverted Linear Quadtree: Efficient Top K Spatial Keyword Search
A Subword-Based Deep Learning Approach For Sentiment Analysis Of Political Tweets
Fidoop-Dp: Data Partitioning In Frequent Itemset Mining On Hadoop Clusters
A Workflow Management System For Scalable Data Mining On Clouds
Modelling Urban Behaviour By Mining Geotagged Social Data
Social q &A: An Online Social Network Based Question And Answer System
Point-Of-Interest Recommendation For Location Promotion In Location-Based Social Networks
A Map reduce Implementation With New enhancements
Division and replication of data incloud for optimal performance And Security
Deduplicatable Dynamic Proof Of Storage For Multi-User Environments
Dual-Server Public-Key Encryption With Keyword Search For Secure Cloud Storage.
Secure optimization computation out sourcing in cloud computing: A case Study Of Linear Programming
Differentially Private Online Learning For Cloud-Based Video Recommendation With Multimedia Big Data In Social Networks
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ranked Keyword Search Method
A Secure And Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme Over Encrypted Cloud Data
Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control For Web-Based Cloud Computing Services
Practical Privacy-Preserving Map reduce Based K-Means Clustering Over Large-Scale Dataset
E-School Techno Bus Based On Cloud Computing Services
Vehicular Cloud Data Collection For Intelligent Transportation Systems
Two-Factor Data Access Control With Efficient Revocation For Multi authority Cloud Storage Systems
Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification Using Sentiment Sensitive Embeddings
Privacy-Preserving Data Encryption Strategy For Big Data In Mobile Cloud Computing
Identity-Based Remote Data Integrity Checking With Perfect Data Privacy Preserving For Cloud Storage
Optimizing Green Energy, Cost, And Availability In Distributed Data Centers
A Collision-Mitigation Cuckoo Hashing Scheme For Large-Scale Storage Systems
A Cloud-Integrated, Multi layered Agent-Based Cyber-Physical System Architecture
A semi-Automatic and trust worthys cheme for continuous cloud service Certification Constraints
A general frame work for edited video and raw video summarization
Live Data Analytics With Collaborative Edge And Cloud Processing In Wireless Iot Networks
Race: Robust And Auditable Access Control With Multiple Attribute Authorities For Public Cloud Storage
Joint Policy- And Network-Aware Vm Management For Cloud Data Centers
Identity based data out sourcing with comprehensive e auditing in clouds
Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication Of Encrypted Data In Cloud
Cost Minimization Algorithms For Data Center Management
Optimizing Cloud-Service Performance: Efficient Resource Provisioning Via Optimal Workload Allocation
Multi-Party Secret Key Agreement Over State-Dependent Wireless Broadcast Channel
Cost Minimization Algorithms For Data Center Management
Vehicular Cloud Data Collection For Intelligent Transportation Systems
Reversible Data Hiding In Encrypted Images Using Interpolation-Based Distributed Space Reservation
Illusionpin: Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Authentication Using Hybrid Images
Prism: Privacy-Aware Interest Sharing And Matching In Mobile Social Networks
Privacy-Preserving Location Sharing Services For Social Networks
Text Based Graphical Password System To Obscure Shoulder Surfing
Authorship Attribution For Social Media Forensics
Someone In Your Contact List: Cued Recall-Based Textual Passwords
Multi-Party Secret Key Agreement Over State-Dependent Wireless Broadcast Channels
A Provably Secure General Construction For Key Exchange Protocols Using Smart Card And Password
Designing A Secure Exam Management System (Sems) For MLearning Environments.
A Non-Invasive Remote Health Monitoring System Using Visible Light Communication
A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme For Mobile Cloud Computing
A Low Cost Web Based Remote Monitoring System With Built-In Security Feature For Vulnerable Environments
A Secure And Verifiable Access Control Scheme For Big Data Storage In Cloud
Large-Scale Multi-Modality Attribute Reduction With Multi-Kernel Fuzzy Rough Sets
Hierarchy-Cutting Model Based Association Semantic For Analyzing Domain Topic On The Web
Emotion Recognition On Twitter: Comparative Study And Training A Unison Model
Preserving Mapreduce Based K-Means Clustering Over
Efficient Resource Constrained Scheduling Using Parallel Two-Phase Branch-And-Bound Heuristics
Study On Secure Data Deduplication System With Application Awareness Over Cloud Storage Systems
Data Partitioning In Frequent Itemset Mining On Hadoop Clusters
Efficient Processing Of Skyline Queries Using Mapreduce
Review Spam Detection Using Machine Learning
Privacy-Preserving Data Encryption Strategy For Big Data In Mobile Cloud Computing
Social &A: An Online Social Network Based Question And Answer System
A novelistic approach to analyse weather conditions and its prediction using deep learning techniques
Real-time vehicle detection and tracking
Techniques for sentiment analysis of Twitter data: A comprehensive survey
Information extraction methods for text documents in a Cognitive Integrated Management Information System
Job satisfaction and employee turnover: A firm-level perspective
Enhancing the Naive Bayes Spam Filter Through Intelligent Text Modification Detection
Data mining method for Traffic accident Severity prediction
Vehicular pollution monitoring using IoT
Canteen Management System using Java and mysql
Gift Shop Portal System by using Python Django and MySQL
Airlines System