Student Management System using Java, JSP and MySQL


This project Student Management System has been developed on Java, JSP and MySQL. The main aim of the java software projects is to develop web application in college submission. This project Student Management System manages the information about the students such as Student, Fees, Attendance, Class, Subject, Student Profile etc. It can also manage to keep all the record of student performance and progress. It is very simple code in Java. We have used JSP for frontend logic implementation, Java for business logic, MySQL as a database, HTML for structure designing, CSS for web page formating, JavaScript for form validation and animation.

Student Module :

  • The main purpose of this module is provide all the functionality realted to students. This Student module is an important module in this project Student Management System Project in Java which we have developed on Java, JSP and MySQL. Here we are providing java projects with source code, It tracks all the information and details of the student. We have developed all type of CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations of the students. This is a role based module where admin can perform each and every operations on data but the student will be able to view only his/her data, so access level restrictions has also been implemented on the project.

Features of Student Module:

  • Admin can add new students records
  • Admin can see the list of students details
  • Only admin can edit and update the record of the students
  • Admin will be able to delete the records of the students
  • All students forms are validated on client side using JavaScript
  • Sutdent will be able to see his details
  • Student will be able to update his details

Fees Module :

  • This module has been developed for managing all the information of the fees, here admin and faculty can upload the fees and students can view and download the fees. Access level restrictions has also been implemented on this module so only admin.

Features of Fees Module:

  • Admin can upload new assigments
  • Student can view and download the feess
  • Admin can edit/update the existing assigment
  • Admin can delete the existing fees
  • Admin can see the list of all feess
  • All fees forms are validated on client side using JavaScript

Attandance Module

The main purpose for developing this module is to manage the attandance of the studentsdatwise. So all attandance will be marked by admin or faculty and student will be able able to see only his/her attandance. Admin can see the list of all attandance and filter it according to the students. Our website are helpful for Btech, MTech, BCA, MCA, BSC-IT students get java projects with source code and database.

Features of Attandance Module:

  • Admin can mark the student attandance
  • Admin can edit/delete the student attandance
  • Admin can see the list of all student attandance
  • Student can see his attandance

Users of Student Information System

There are two type of users available in the project Student Management System :

  • Student : With Limited Access
  • Admin : With full access

Functionality performed by student user:

These are the functionality performed by the student users.

  • Registration for Student
  • Login For Student
  • Forgot password for Student
  • Change Password for Student
  • Edit Profile For Student
  • View his Fess Payment History
  • View his Attendance History

Functionality performed by admin user:

These are the functionality performed by the admin users.

  • Login For Admin
  • Forgot password for Admin
  • Edit Profile For Admin
  • Manage Student
    • Adding New Student
    • Edit the Exiting Student
    • View Profile of the Student
    • Listing of all Student
  • Manage Fees
    • Add Fees of the student
    • View Details of the Fees
    • Listing of all Fees
    • Filter Fees according to Student
  • Manage Attendance
    • Add Attendance of Student
    • Edit Attendance of Student
    • Listing of the attendance
    • Filter attendance according to Student
  • Reports of the project Student Management System
    • Report of all Student
    • Report of all Fees
    • Report of all Attendance

Static Pages and other sections :

These static pages will be available in project Student Management System

  • Home Page with good UI
  • Home Page will contain an JavaScript animated slider for images banner
  • About us page will be available which will describe about the project
  • Contact us page will be available in the project

Technology Used in the project Student Management System

  • HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  • CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  • JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  • JSP : All the front end logic has been written in JSP
  • Java : All the bussiness logic has been written in Java
  • MySQL : MySQL database has been used as database for the project
  • Tomcat : Project will be run over the Tomcat server

Supported Operating System

We can configure this project on following operating system.

  • Windows :This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install Tomcat 7, JDK 7, MySQL 5.
  • Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating system
  • Mac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.