Patient Information System by using PHP and MYSQL


The project Patient Information System has been developed on PHP and MySQL. Here We can develop best PHP online projects on latest topics for student purpose. The main objective of this Patient Information System Project in PHP is to manage the details of Patient, Medicines, Doctors, Tests, Treatments. It manages all the information about Patient, Reports, Treatments, Patient. The purpose of this system is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for keep to track of patient information and managing the Patient, Medicines, Reports, Doctors. It tracks all the details about the Doctors, Tests, Treatments. This system provides the searching facilities based on various factors like Patient, Doctors, Tests, Treatments. This project shows the information and description of the patient diseases. It generates the report on Patient, Medicines, Reports.

Modules and Description of Patient Information System Project:

The main objective of this module is provide all the functionality realted to patient. Patient Module is an important module in this project Patient Information System which we have developed on PHP and MySQL. It tracks all the information and details of the patient. We have developed all type of CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations of the patient.

Features of Patient Module:

  • Admin can add new patient records
  • Admin can see the list of patient details
  • Only admin can edit and update the record of the patients
  • Admin will be able to delete the records of the patients
  • All patient forms are validated on client side using JavaScript

Appointments Module :

The main aim for developing this module is to manage the doctor appointment. So all appointment will be managed by admin and patient and doctor will be able to see the appointment..

Features of Appointments Module:

  • Admin can manage the appointment
  • Admin can edit/delete the appointment
  • Admin can see the list of all appointment
  • patient can see appointment

Doctor Module :

The main objective for developing this module is provide all the functionality realted to doctor. It tracks all the information and details of the doctor. We have developed all type of CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations of the doctor. This is a role based module where admin can perform each and every operations on data but the doctor will be able to view only his/her data, so access level restrictions has also been implemented on the project.
Features of Doctor Module:

  • Admin can add new doctor records
  • Admin can see the list of doctor details
  • Only admin can edit and update the record of the doctors
  • Admin will be able to delete the records of the doctors
  • All doctor forms are validated on client side using JavaScript
  • Doctor will be able to see his details
  • Doctor will be able to update his details

Test Module :

The main purpose for developing this module is to manage the doctor test. So all test will be managed by admin and patient and doctor will be able to see the test report.