Solar panel cleaning robot Microcontroller Based Automatic Cleaning of Solar Panel, Ready Kit, 100% Tested
The solar PV modules are generally employed in dusty environments which is the case in tropical countries like India. The dust gets accumulated on the front surface of the module and blocks the incident light from the sun. It reduces the power generation capacity of the module. The power output reduces as much as by 50% if the module is not cleaned for a month. In order to regularly clean the dust, a automatic cleaning system has been designed, which senses the dust on the solar panel and also cleans the module automatically. This automated system is implemented using 8051 microcontroller which controls the DC gear motor. This mechanism consists of a sensor (LDR). While for cleaning the PV modules, a mechanism consists of a sliding brushes has been developed. In terms of daily energy generation, the presented automatic-cleaning scheme provides about 30% more energy output when compared to the dust accumulated PV module (module kept stationary on ground).
Block Diagram:-
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