Generation of electricity using noise Electric Power Generation using Random Sound Energy, Ready Kit, 100% Tested


Waste form of sound energy known as noise can be used for some useful purpose by converting to different form of energy. Unwanted noise or random sound around us can be treated as a source of electric power after their efficient conversion using suitable transducer. Piezoelectric transducers are used for conversion of sounds into electric energy. The generated electric power will be used to charge a rechargeable devices. The need for an alternative source of energy is rising fast in this growing world. Until now, majority of power needs of the world relies upon the

exploitation of the non-renewable fossil fuels . Renewable energy sources such as hydropower, solar power and wind power require high financial investments but give lower power output with

respect to its cost. Another source nuclear power plant gives a good source of power but the initial setting up and maintains costs are higher than other renewable sources.

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