Development Of Arecanut Harvesting Machine, Ready Kit, 100% Tested


India earns most of its lively hood by agriculture. It ranks second in worldwide in agricultural output. Agriculture accounts to 10% of our annual GDP and it provides 50% of work to the citizens of our country. Global production of areca nut estimated to be around10.33 lakh tones and constituted an area of around 8.29 lakh hectares back in 2009-10. Areca nut is a medium sized tree, the tree bark diameter varies from 10 to 20 cm in diameter. The tree’s diameter is larger at the base and the diameter is smaller at the top. That is as the tree grows its diameter decreases. The harvest is three to four times in a year. This requires skilled workers to harvest, which is hard to find. To solve this problem a device was designed and fabricated which does not require any skill to operate and works on electricity.

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