Vehicular Pollution Monitoring Using IoT, Ready Kit, 100% Tested


Nowadays, vehicle usage is very much higher. Most of the people are using gas fuel instead of petrol or diesel. This method is quite easy but on the other hand it is harmful also. So, these types of Vehicles required proper monitoring. The project aims to modify an existing safety model employed in domestic field. The aim of this project is designing microcontroller based toxic gas detection, and if the gas has detected it automatically alert the owner and then it transmits the warning message to the authorized user. This safety system can be used in any automation field, Houses etc. Traffic accidents are one of the leading case of fatalities. An important indicator of survival rates after an accident when emergency medical personnel are dispatched to the accident locations. IoT provides a virtual view via the internet protocol to a huge variety of real life objects. IoT application long term environmental monitoring application, wireless-sensor network (WSN), WSN optimized design, WSN flat form, WSN protocol.

Block diagram:-

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