Human Resource Management System by using Python Django and MySQL.


We have developed this mini project Human Resource Management System by using Python Django and MySQL. We are using the version for python3 and Django version is 2 and MySQL 5.6. This is a web based Python, Django and MySQL Project. This is a mini project which contains only admin login and perfom. There is no login form from employee and other user. After login admin can add the employee, admin can see the employee details, admin can add salary, admni can see the salary details and admin can also change the password. In this project admin will be able to enter all the details of employee and he can save the details into the MySQL database. Admin can edit and delete the details of employee and employee salary. These all things have implanted inside the mini python project Human Resource Management System

Report of Human Resource Management System:

  • Employee Types report : We can generate all the reports of Employee Types in this
  • Appraisals report : Generate reports related to Appraisals
  • Employee report : All Employee reports will be available in this section
  • Departments report : You can generate filtered reports of Departments
  • You can generates the report of Departments, Employee Types, Trainings
  • Appraisals, Salary, Employee has facility for dynamic search. So you can filter the records run time
  • PDF reporting has been integrated for exporting of the report for Employee Types, Appraisals, Employee modules
  • You can create the CSV reports for Employee Types, Departments, Appraisals

Modules of Human Resource Management System:

  • Employee Types module : It contains all the functionalities related to the Employee Types
  • Appraisals module : It manages all the operations related to Appraisals
  • Employee module : Manages the Employee related functionalities
  • Departments module : This module manages Departments functionalities
  • Trainings module : Trainings modules contains all the CRUD operations related to Trainings
  • Salary module : Salary module contains all the required functions which include adding, viewing, deleting and updating Salary lists.

Human Resource Management System in python Installation Steps:

  • Download Human Resource Management System zip file and extract it
  • Install Django
  • Open phpmyadmin and create Human Resource Management System database
  • Import database Human Resource Management System.sql
  • Run the project : python runserver
  • Open Your browser run the project : “http://localhost:8080/HumanResource Management System/”

Python Project Human Resource Management System software requirments specification:

  • Python3 : To run this project you need python 3
  • Django : We have developed this project over the django2
  • MySQL : You need MySQL database for running this project
  • MySQL Connector : For making the connection from MySQL and python, we need it